Familiarize Yourself With A Healing Plant! Part 1

b138126c-eeec-4162-a85a-601937a3ea38.pngThousands upon thousands of years this wonderful healing plant has played a major role in society since the earliest of civilizations. Cannabis has been used as a way for achieving euphoria since ancient times. Ancient Egyptians inscribed it in hieroglyphics all over Egypt. For what reasons but to pass on the knowledge? Who knows? What were they trying to tell us back then? Almost every hieroglyphic I see a cannabis leaf in. It is usually poised above a Pharos or deities head. In this photo I posted above shows a Egyptian painting of Seshat, the goddess of wisdom, she was often shown with the leaf of a cannabis plant above her head, next to the eye of Horus.

6E84F385-470C-4FD7-8B7D-3608BEC23B33This painting of Bastet, the feline Goddess of war also known as the Goddess of cannabis. She is one of the oldest known deities. The Goddess of cats, dawn, enlightenment, art, music, dance, birth and fertility was also documented to utilize every part of the cannabis plant. Evidence points to worshippers consumed cannabis in one form or the other during religious festivities and rituals.

D2140EE9-FAD0-4D86-9881-F79FB0749D53The Ebers Papyrus was written around 1550 BC. It is one of the oldest finished medical textbooks to have been found so far. It mentions numerous formulas which make use of cannabis to alleviate pain and inflammation. It addressed ailments ranging from intestinal disease to arthritis. There was even a section on psychiatry. Egyptian women used cannabis as a way to wave off depression and other psychological problems. The circulatory system is described accurately, including the role of the heart and the existence of the blood vessels. The Ebers Papyrus was found in Egypt in the 1870’s.

76AC3641-C38E-413B-8304-24E05CF1E973Ramesses the great was the third Pharaoh of the nineteenth dynasty of Egypt. He was regarded as the greatest, most powerful Pharaoh of the Egyptian empire. Also well documented as a heavy consumer of cannabis.  Whether it was for recreational or medical use. When the mummy of Pharaoh Ramesses ll was uncovered and examined back in 1881, traces of large amounts of cannabis in the remains were found.

fd2b6b30-e702-4019-a068-1d2bff1f875e-e1510854152686.pngHorus is one of the most known and significant ancient Egyptian deities. He was worshipped in prehistoric Egypt, the Ptolemaic kingdom and Roman Egypt with stories very similar to those of Jesus Christ. The earliest recorded form of Horus is the tulelary deity of Nekhen in upper Egypt, who is the first known god, related to the king who in time came to be regarded as a manifestation of Horus in life and Osiris in death. Horus served many functions, most known for being a god of the sky and war.

733CD862-3904-4770-8414-ECD0EE67B176This is part 1 of a series of the history of cannabis. I will do my part to defend my medication and not fall victim to the clutches of Big Pharma!

Thank you for taking the time to read this, it is truly appreciated.


Tommy Acosta

A Medical Marijuana Patient



e46042f9-4fae-4c62-a5b9-b2ce61c94264.pngI didn’t want to stoop this low but the insane words that keep coming out of this man’s mouth is out of control. This overweight hypocrite, after suggesting what I posted above. Has been raging a war against cannabis way before this ridiculous statement back in 2015. The man called supporter’s of cannabis legalization. “Crazy liberals who want to poison our kids.” I said it before and I will say it again this has nothing to do with Republicans and Democrats, it has to do with what is right and what the majority of the people in this country want. By the way I am neither a liberal or conservative, I am a human being from planet Earth.

Now part of the Trump administration’s opioid and drug abuse commission. His latest attack on cannabis. He is claiming that marijuana is the gateway drug to opioid abuse. According to Christie, teenage marijuana users are 10 times more likely to become heroin addicts by the time they are twenty four years old. This without any statistical evidence of course. People like this who make these types of comments obviously don’t have a clue. Most likely they grew up in their little towns with no idea about the reality of life.

Me on the other hand, I grew up in the Bronx. My teenage years and my early twenties I lived in a neighborhood nicknamed Drugs Neck. For generations before me the neighborhood had massive drug issues. From what I saw, it was alcohol for the most part that was the real gateway drug. I actually give credit to cannabis for keeping me away from all the real drugs my so called friends at the time were doing. Everything thing from angeldust to heroin and anything in between was available to us within minutes. The liquor and the beer gave most of these kids the liquid courage to dive into hard drugs. Not once in my life have I ever smoked cannabis and thought to myself should I eat something or go shoot some black tar heroin. Now a days the gateway drugs are mom and dad’s medicine cabinet, or moms pocketbook.

Kids will do stupid shit for the rest of time and will try anything to get a high. They have been sniffing glue and taking whip it’s for such a long time. Should we say glue and cans of whipped cream are gateway drugs to heroin? Some big pharmaceutical company has to be contributing to this man’s pocket. He can’t be this stupid with all the research that is available to us now about a wonderful healing plant.


If this man is truly concerned with the health of our American citizens. Maybe he should rage his war against junk food, and fast food restaurants, or any of that unhealthy crap this man is shoving down his pie hole on a daily basis. Perhaps he should familiarize himself with a salad or he might really hate anything green from the ground. As a daily smoker of cannabis, I eat a responsible healthy diet with zero garbage. This morbidly obese individual even had the ordasity to say smoking cannabis leads to a unhealthy diet.  I can’t with the insanity anymore and people actually believe the trash that spills out of his mouth.


How does this man sleep at night? Sick children from his own state he governs have to become medical refugees and seek help in recreational/medical states to treat all types of nasty diseases no child should ever have to deal with. Moms and dads have to pick up their lives, leave everything and everyone behind just to get their sick child the help and medication they need. Something is seriously wrong with this picture. Yeah Mr. Christie threw the residents of New Jersey a bone even though they won the majority vote for medical marijuana but with a catch of course. He made it nearly impossible to get a card for people who need it. He also limited the amount of medical dispensaries to a ridiculous low number. Good thing for New Jersey, this man is out of his governors seat come the start of the new year but with his new position in the White House, he becomes an even bigger danger to the wonderful progress we have made over the last couple of decades. He is out to spread whatever lies and evil propaganda he possibly can about a harmless plant that has healing properties.

We have a long fight against people like this but with the amount of knowledge at our finger tips as well as the power of social media. People are more educated now more then ever before. I will continue to fight the good fight for my medication.

Thank you so much for reading, it is truly appreciated.


Tommy Acosta

A Medical Marijuana Patient

Our Veterans!

A363EB92-26B7-4AB5-B4A2-A278B4E72A3CThis Veterans Day weekend as I sit back and appreciate these brave individuals who fought for our freedoms we enjoy daily. I do not understand why so many of these men and women have to suffer horrible medical issues when returning home. When it is a known fact cannabis helps with a numerous amount of these medical issues.

Now I don’t have the honor of being a veteran but I do suffer from PTSD because of a traumatic event that happened to me as a young child. On top of that I was surrounded by violence all threw my young teenage years  up until my early twenties. The panic attacks, the  depression, the isolation of not wanting to be around anyone. I can’t even imagine what these amazing men and women go through when they get home from war.

The news is finally starting to trickle out on the positive stories of how cannabis is helping our Veterans like no prescription medication can but the news needs to get out quicker. Our heroes are committing  suicide in record numbers.  I was on a lot of these same medications  the VA prescribes to their patients. Let me tell you if it were not for the balance of cannabis my soul could have easily been sucked up by the pills the doctors kept feeding me. I’m not knocking the pills, there is definitely some that are extremely beneficial but these doctors are to fast prescribing medication.

Normally the doctors are pushing the latest and greatest medication the pharmaceutical rep just pitched to them on their weekend conference at some resort paid for by the drug companies. These Doctors are handling more than 2500 patients at a time on their weekly rosters. These doctors are trying to see a certain number of patients daily for bigger payouts from the insurance companies. How  do they distribute the proper amount of time each individual patient needs? They are in and out of there in under 10 minutes and handing you a new prescription of something you never heard of, then tell you to come back in 30 days to tell them how you feel. If it’s not good they will suggest something else off their medication spiff list.

When are politics and greed going to get out of the way? So many people are in need of their proper medicine. We shouldn’t have to lose one more veteran from a mental break down when it could be avoided. I can’t grasp the concept that these soldiers can go risk their life defending our country and our freedom. Some of them come back home with severe health issues and can’t treat it with the medication that they feel works for them. Some of these soldiers are becoming medical refugees in the country the fought for. They have to leave their home towns and families to move to a state were they can somewhat legally get their meds. Sounds pretty screwed up to me.

We have the former president of the American Legion pleading with congress and the D. “Good people don’t smoke weed” E. A. to at least remove cannabis from a schedule 1 drug sharing the honors with heroin on that list to a schedule 2 drug. Where at least the proper research it deserves can get done.

As we sit and watch these old outdated laws actually hurt good people. We look to countries like Canada who is going full recreational in 2018,  as well as the extensive research Israel is doing. There is hope out there, while our own government plays these ridiculous political games. Liberals want legalization, conservatives still believe in the reefer madness propaganda. Who cares? There is truly sick people out there who need this wonderful healing plant.

B5EAF3D8-F836-42F3-A4FF-403148E41BBDI believe the more people that are properly educated about cannabis the less amount of prescription pill abuse we will have. Cannabis can become a crutch to help get off some of these meds.

The stories I hear talking to some of these veterans at my local medical marijuana dispensary are truly amazing. This one veteran of the Korean War that I had the honor of talking while waiting to get our meds. He was telling me horror stories about how the VA has treated him and his military brothers and sisters over the years. He told me flat out if it were not for him finding cannabis he would have taken his own life years ago because of all the daily pain and suffering.  He gave credit to cannabis to giving him his life back. I literally had tears in my eyes after speaking with this true American hero.

I will do my part and try to help out as many veterans as I can with spreading the real positive stories and not the propaganda that evil people spend millions of dollars to spread lies for greed. 57c8fe57-901d-4662-87a9-f1d4f9a61576.png

Thank you for reading.


Tommy Acosta

A Medical Marijuana Patient

Sick Of The Lies!

This is the post excerpt.

Besides suffering from the buried depression of what happened to me as a child, I also grew up in the Bronx New York. The violence that I was exposed to through out my teen years and early twenties no one should see and still haunts me to this day.  When I finally made it out of the Bronx I was confused to how peaceful things actually should be. I was always on high alert anywhere I went just waiting for something bad to happen. The older I was getting the more of a problem it was becoming.

I had to figure out something. I was always against prescription medications because of all the possible side effects. I didn’t want to speak to anyone about my problems because my mentally at the time is that men keep their shit to themselves. So I got into drinking big mistake there. The combination between the alcohol, my inner rage and pain was not pretty for my family. I was a total embarrassment at family events, calling my wife and children horrible disgusting names. My wake up call to getting away from the poison of alcohol is when my then 16 year old son found me walking around the house naked punching walls. I knew the next day I was done with alcohol.

Still lost, I turned back to cannabis and started learning about 7 chakra meditation. It was amazing, instant gratification. I needed to learn more I was obsessed. I dove into anything I can find on all types of meditation tactics and immersed myself into the material. I kept reading warnings saying not to go to fast you can go pretty deep and open up some unpleasant things that are buried inside ourselves. That’s when I found Kundalini meditation.  It was a whole new ballgame from there, feelings that I thought were tucked away forever came exploding out of me like a volcano. Now I was becoming more of a mess then I was before. I was clueless on what to do next.

I felt it was finally time to reach out for help and went to go see a doctor. Immediately they threw me on all these pills. Exactly what I was worried about happing, happened. I was getting all the side effects, all of that fast stuff they mumble at the end of the commercial or the fine print at the bottom. I was a zombie for about 6 months, I felt like I was on autopilot. I have no idea how I hung on and still performed well at work and finished 17th in a company filled with over 150 very talented salesmen. At home I barely spoke a word to my family and I felt like I had no soul. I was a zombie robot.

So like a idiot I decided to do the only thing I thought was the logical thing to do in my mind at the time and quit all the meds cold turkey. Let me tell you very bad move on my part. I highly recommend consulting a doctor before coming off any psych meds. The brain zaps I was experiencing were so painful, my thoughts spinning out of control, I was making mistakes at work that was costing the company thousands of dollars. Once again I had to do something. I don’t give up.

I decided to go get my medical marijuana card. Immediately the brain zaps went away but it still took about a good 10 months to a year before I felt the same again. About 2 months into having my medical marijuana card my boss called me into his office and wanted to address all the mistakes that were being made over the last few months. After trying to explain to him the battle I was up against he asked me if I was on drugs. He then put a styrofoam cup on his desk and asked me to piss in it. He got up and walked out of his office. I sat there in shock for a second then I got up followed him out and let him know that I had my medical marijuana card. He looked at me disgusted and asked do you think drugs help you? Once again I tried to explain my situation but it got me no where. I offered to go with him across the street to the urgent care and take a drug test the correct way, were it would be on file that I am a legal card holder. He refused and asked me to leave the store.

The next morning I went directly to see the owner and explained my situation. He sincerely listened and brought me on at the store he ran. I was still a mess from the withdrawal symptoms I was getting from all the psych meds I was on. I was moving a million miles per hour. All the mistakes I made at my previous store was popping up daily at my new store. I could not stay on top of it and I was sinking fast. Eventually a couple of months later they fired me.

I was devastated, I just lost my six figure a year job, my wife is a stay at home mother and I’m the soul provider. My head was spinning out of control. I feel into a deep depression. I ended up losing everything. My beautiful home, my two good family cars. Me, my wife, two kids and two dogs luckily had my mom and step dads house to go to. If it weren’t for cannabis at this point I don’t know if I would be around today writing this.

After a year of working six jobs making 85% less then what I was use to making I finally cracked. My blood pressure was through the roof and I ended up in the hospital. It took months of recovery and putting my family through hell just to achieve even a tiny amount of progress.

As of now through therapy, some pharmaceutical medicine, meditation and cannabis I am finally finding my way back into dealing with every day life. It is truly amazing the trauma you go through as a kid and how it can stay with you all these years and have a serious affect on your adult life.

My biggest problem now that I’m finally feeling good enough to work again is finding a good job. I’m more then qualified for a number of good paying positions. Unfortunately since it is a twisted society the majority of companies won’t hire me because I choose a natural plant to medicate. What I don’t understand is that it is perfectly normal for someone to go out after work with his or her coworkers and get shit faced drunk. Something is seriously wrong with that.

So I have decided to do whatever it takes to get into the medical cannabis field. Whether it’s starting off at a entry level position in a dispensary and working my way up, being a caregiver, or just being a advocate and spreading the thousands of positive stories on how this plant helps so many people including myself.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I truly appreciate it. I will continue as much as I can to properly educate people on a wonderful healing plant.


Tommy Acosta

A Medical Marijuana Patient
